Stolen Spirits, creators of the world’s first smoke drum and award-winning 11 year-old single-grain whiskey, launched its new american rye whiskey infused with raw honey & orange peel named Stolen X.
To promote the launch of Stolen X, the distillery offered a chance to win a custom designed, outdoor bar to its followers and customers.
Stolen Spirits, partnered with Sweeppea to create the sweepstakes and ensure legal compliance across the 26 selected states where the promotion would be offered.
Prize – $20,000 Custom Home Bar

Website Graphics

Instagram – 18,000 Views
Stolen Spirits promoted its text to win sweepstakes using their Instagram social media channels with the focus of creating awareness for the new Stolen X Whiskey product and engaging followers with the Sweepstakes.

In Store Displays

Goal – New Product Awareness and Followers
The distillery wanted to reach loyal fans to bring awareness to its new product. Leveraging Sweeppea’s text to win sweepstakes platform, Stolen Spirits was able to create a sweepstakes that reached the target audience with a fun and engaging promotion.
Most of the advertising was done via social media to help increase followers by offering an exciting prize. The prize, 1 Custom Outdoor Bar and 25 Stolen Whiskey merchandise packages drove shares and likes across all social channels.
Entry Page – Quick and Easy
The Sponsor placed ads in social media and in-store. To enter the text to win sweepstakes, all the participant had to do was to simply text the word STOLEN to the number 65047 for a chance to win.
Each entrant then received a link to the branded Entry Page (below), where they could complete their entry by submitting their name, age (required for all alcohol sponsors) and email. The mobile numbers were automatically captured by the Sweeppea Platform.


Leveraging your existing social media channels to educate your customers on new products and reach new fans, while increasing sales is a win-win-win for all. Cheers to Stolen!
- New Product Launch
- Increase Followers
- Increase Sales
- Thousands of Participants Entered
- Social Media Followers Increased
- Product Sales Increased
- Displays Placed In Stores
Services Rendered
- Advice during conceptual development
- Sweeppea account set-up
- Create official & abbreviated rules
- Secure SAB approvals for alcohol sponsors
- Review advertising materials for compliance
- Register & bond sweepstakes
- Manage the sweeps
- Draw and verify winners
- Gain publicity & liability release
- Publish winner’s list
- Provide IRS 1099 forms to winners
Why Alcohol Brands Must Take Care With Their Sweepstakes Prizes
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