Small businesses ranging from restaurants to retailers and local entertainment centers are now using text message marketing. Business owners have clear benefits for using this type of program, but what are the benefits for consumers, the ones receiving the text messages?
How consumers benefit from mobile marketing messages:
- It’s an easy way to get money-saving offers from favorite stores.
- Offers are always accessible. No coupon carrying needed.
- Get VIP treatment as a mobile subscriber or loyal customer.
- It’s easier to gain and redeem points for loyalty programs.
- Get instant notice of upcoming deals.
- Get special deals not available elsewhere.
Want examples?
Our clients are offering a broad mix of contest giveaways, discounts and extra perks to their mobile subscribers. Contests do well, obviously, but free samples and discounts are also attractive to customers.
Here are a few offers our clients are giving their mobile marketing subscribers:
Pet Supermarket
Enter for a chance to win free pet food for a year. Text PETS to 65047.
Florida International University
Enter for a chance to win a $10,000 MBA scholarship. Text FIUMBA to 65047.
BirdBowl Bowling Center
Sign up and get $5 off your food bill that day. Text BIRDBOWL to 65047.
Splitsville Bowling Center
Get a free sample of the day’s featured menu item. Text SPLITSVILLE to 65047.
OMG Burger
Get a free sode with eth purchase of any burger and fries.
Slice ‘n Ice Pizza
Get a free slice of cheese pizza. Text PIZZA to 65047
Feel free to sign up for any of these offers if they appeal to you and you’ll see some of their promotions yourself.
If you like to start a text message marketing program, give us a call.